How to order?
To place your order first add your desired product into your cart, Then proceed checkout, Fill your information and select place order. It that simple!
What is the standard delivery time?
Delivery would take upto 2-3 working days.
How can I cancel my order?
Cancellation requests are accepted within 1 working days after order generation. You can cancel your order by following methods:
- Email your request atĀ info@getprotien.co
- Message your request to our social media pages:Ā Facebook,Ā Instagram
- Call us at our support helplineĀ 03199068819
What is your helpline number?
You can call us atĀ 03199068819Ā should you face any issues. We believe in excellent customer service and are always available to help you out.
Are there any delivery charges? How much?
WeĀ Offering Free delivery charges for ordersĀ AboveĀ Rs.1999
how long shipping typically takes ?
At Get Protein, we strive to deliver your orders as quickly as possible. Typically, delivery takes 4 to 6 days from the time your order is processed. We work with top logistics partners to ensure your package reaches your doorstep promptly and safely. Please note that delivery times may vary slightly due to high demand and the variability of courier services in Pakistan.
PleaseĀ E-mailĀ us your query atĀ info@getprotien.coĀ orĀ callĀ us atĀ 03199068819Ā orĀ WhatsappĀ us atĀ 03199068819